

Atishi urges LG to reinstate bus marshals on humanitarian grounds

Atishi expressed deep concern over the suspension of the bus marshals, stating their role in ensuring the safety of passengers, particularly women and children, on Delhi’s public buses.

Atishi urges LG to reinstate bus marshals on humanitarian grounds

Photo: Delhi Revenue minister Atishi (X/@AtishiAAP)

Delhi Cabinet Minister Atishi, on Wednesday, urged Lieutenant Governor (LG) of Delhi Vinai Kumar Saxena to reinstate the Bus Marshal Scheme, which has been stalled after the removal of bus marshals earlier this year.

In a letter to the LG, Atishi expressed deep concern over the suspension of the bus marshals, stating their role in ensuring the safety of passengers, particularly women and children, on Delhi’s public buses.

The letter added that the Bus Marshal Scheme, introduced by the Government of NCT of Delhi in 2015, was aimed at enhancing safety measures in Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) and cluster buses by deploying Civil Defence Volunteers (CDVs) as uniformed personnel. For eight years, the bus marshals worked to provide passengers with a sense of security in public buses.


The minister also pointed out that the scheme’s importance grew significantly with the rise in female commuters following the introduction of the Pink Ticket Scheme, which allows women to travel for free in Delhi buses.

However, in what Atishi described as a “completely unforeseen move”, the salaries of the bus marshals were abruptly halted, and their duties were terminated following orders from the LG’s office. The reason cited for the decision was that the deployment of volunteers as bus marshals was deemed unsustainable, given the presence of safeguards like CCTV cameras and panic buttons in the buses.

“How can the installation of CCTVs and panic buttons in buses serve the purpose of having armed personnel in public buses,” asked the minister.

Atishi stated that the sudden removal of bus marshals had not only compromised passenger safety but had also left hundreds of bus marshals jobless. Many of these individuals relied on this employment to support their families.

“The elected government in Delhi is ready to extend all possible help and support required to restore bus marshals to their jobs. We hope that this matter will be considered and a positive decision is taken by your good self at the earliest,” she added.
